Lucas’ guess date was June 5, 2016. Because I didn’t have him on this day I had a non stress test scheduled for the following Monday. During the regularly scheduled 40 week appointment, my OB talked about the stress test and mentioned a possible induction. Knowing I definitely did not want to be induced medically, I decided it was time to start walking to induce naturally. On the 8th of June my mom, my stepsister, and I walked about 4 or 5 miles. At 5:30 in the evening I was laying on the couch and felt a pop and a huge gush. MY WATER BROKE! Little did I know I had been in early birthing. My pressure waves were consistently 20 minutes apart, but I attributed this to walking. As soon as my water broke I got up and went to the bathroom and then got in the shower. As soon as my water broke my pressure waves got closer and stronger. From 5 minutes apart to 4 1/2 minutes apart. I enjoyed the hot shower for about an hour and then lied down and listened to my Fear Clearing track and got into deep hypnosis. I hadn’t felt Lucas move in a while so Cameron called the doctor on call and was told to take me to the hospital. On the way to the hospital I listened to Birthing Day Affirmations. I felt so calm, confident, and in control. We went straight to triage where I was checked for progression and was admitted. While in triage I listened to my Special Safe Place. I enjoyed being able to move during pressure waves so I kept my switch in the middle for the majority of my birthing process. Once in my room the intensity of the pressure waves seemed to intensify. We kept the Special Safe Place on repeat out loud in the room. I did a lot of swaying and talking to myself. I would repeatedly send my hypno anesthesia to my belly and back. I was able to spend some time in the shower and really enjoyed the relief that the water provided. While in the shower I felt the urge to push but was told not to until I was checked to make sure I was fully dilated. I did not want to know about my progress but assumed I wasn’t there when I was told I could not push. They told my husband, Cameron that I was only at an 8. From 8 cm to 10 cm everyone thought I was taking a nap because I was so deep into hypnosis. This lasted for two hours. The nurse asked if she could check me and I was ready to push! We turned on the Pushing Baby Out track and left it on repeat. I tried different positions and the lithotomy position felt right. I started with open glottis pushing and was encouraged to do “purple pushing”. After a long four hours of pushing I was holding my sweet baby boy. As it turned out he was posterior. I do not recall being informed of this and was unable to try the lift and tuck. The eight hours of active birthing and four of pushing were so worth it! I felt so accomplished and proud of myself. I accomplished a completely un medicated childbirth. I had an easier and more comfortable childbirth because I used Hypnobabies. I have already recommended it to so many people and will continue to do so. I cant imagine what my birth story would have been like if I hadn’t used Hypnobabies. ~ Renee